
The Game of Business…
In the Game of Business there are 6 Levels of Difficulty: 1. $0 - $250k 2. $250k - $1m 3. $1m - $10m 4. $10m - $100m 5. $100m - $1b 6. $1b - above The Rules: The number one goal of the game is to try to find unfair advantages and exploit them to move you up levels....

PLEASE SHARE The Game of Business... In the Game of Business there are 6 Levels of Difficulty: 1. $0 - $250k 2. $250k - $1m 3. $1m - $10m 4. $10m - $100m 5. $100m - $1b 6. $1b - above The RULES: The number one goal of the game is to try to find unfair advantages and...

PLEASE SHARE Time is Money... You might have heard this saying before: “Time is Money”. Let me explain to you what it really means. You see, in business the cash you have access to, commonly called cash flow, is not measured in dollars, as most people think. Cash flow...

Are You Planning on Selling Your Business and Retiring in the Next 5 Years?
My name is Marco Robert, and since 2001 I have been advising business owners all over the world. Every year I work clients on all continents; Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, USA and Canada. In my functions as a business and management consultant, I come across many...

Branding for Dollars: One of my top business advice.
PLEASE SHARE Invest in your brand! I have been teaching branding and I have been creating and rolling out powerful brands for my clients for nearly two decades. I must confess that I never truly understood the magnitude of the impact a consistent branding strategy has...

ECONOMIC GRAVITY: Or Why You Should Sell Your Business ASAP
What interesting times we are living in right now. Every morning I wake up with a feeling of gratitude in my heart for the beautiful life that I get to live. Although the world is experiencing the turbulence of political populist movements, although the amount...

SYSTEMS: Or How to Increase your Business Results and your Employees’ Performance
PLEASE SHARE Hello, my name is Marco Robert, I am a management consultant and business turnaround specialist – I grow businesses and fix them when things go bad. Over the years I have delivered countless speeches and lectures around the world on different topics. But...

Your HARD WORK is killing your business
PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE It's funny sometimes how our beliefs, and the way we perceive the world to be, can lead us away from our goals. Do you know what I am talking about? Let me give you a few examples: If you believe “Rich people are bad, abusive and...

BUSINESS THEORY OF CHAOS: When random luck leads to massive business success
How can seemingly unrelated chance occurrences lead to business success? This is a question I have been asking myself for nearly three decades. You see, starting in the late 1980’s, I became a student of business. First by getting a formal education, then I invested...

Business Owners: Tired, Overwhelmed, Frustrated or Confused?
PLEASE SHARE. Hello Mr. or Mrs. Business Owner, You started your business wide-eyed and bushy-tailed with dreams of success and ambitions to make the world a better place?! How is that going for you? Well, if you are like a majority of business owners out there, you...