Invest in your brand!

I have been teaching branding and I have been creating and rolling out powerful brands for my clients for nearly two decades. I must confess that I never truly understood the magnitude of the impact a consistent branding strategy has on a business.

Five years ago, one of my coaches prompted me to better brand myself. So, over the last few years I have invested a lot time and energy in building my brand. It created magic! There are few things I have done in my business that have impacted my business as much as branding.

Caveat: I am NOT talking about changing your logo or your letterhead or any single branding tactic. What I’m talking about is a branding strategy.

Your 2-Step Branding Strategy

Step 1: Define your brand. Your brand already exists, it’s in the mind of your prospective clients. It’s what they want to see, hear and feel when they interact with you. You don’t have to invent your brand, you simply have to uncover it and define it.

Step 2: Share and promote your brand. Put it everywhere, every time you have a chance and with consistency.

* On Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and all other social media platforms you use.

* In the way you dress.

* In the car you drive.

* In the words you use.

* In the people you hang out with.

* In the angle you shine the light on your life.

The most important point to remember is to do it everywhere, every time and with consistency. The secret is to never, never ever stop. Your brand must be present in the mind of your prospects at all times. So, consistently create and share the image of you that is congruent with what your clients want to see. Do it now!

Alright, enough said! Go! Do it now. Let’s talk again in 6 months. You won’t believe where you’ll by then.

Marco Robert

About the Author: Marco Robert is an international speakers, business consultant and M&A expert. Using, B.O.S.S., his proprietary management system, every year Marco’s clients generate tens of millions of dollars in added revenues, profits and equity value.